Episode 9 | The three ways of relating

May 19, 2023

Welcome to “Mind Your Mind”, the must-listen podcast for all people helping people through their work. In each episode, we explore the importance of self-care and work-life balance for first responders, front line workers and helping professionals with experts from around the world. They share their knowledge and understanding about secondary trauma and burnout prevention helping with life and research lessons useful to ignite positive actions towards developing a personally meaningful strategy to maintain resilience and optimal wellbeing while supporting others. In this Episode I am talking with Christian Herreman, giving continuity to the reflections about his Triple Stance Framework to assist the work of frontline workers. This time he will be giving more insights into the three dimensions and exploring each of them from 3 different angles so you can observe them in your practice. The 3 ways of relating will help you to understand how the Triple Stance Framework is observable in every relationship we have, although we are paying particular attention to the helping relationships. Christian Herreman is a clinical psychologist, psychoanalyst and author, interested in the evolution of human cooperation. The Triple Stance Framework (TSF) was developed in collaboration with Pro Niños de la Calle in 2008, to prevent Burnout in front line workers. Through more horizontal relationships between partners, where autonomy and security are simultaneously valued and promoted, we can better “meet the patient where he is” without compromising safety. In this way, the TSF integrates current notions of evolutionary psychology (Theory of Mind), social psychology (Forms of cooperation) and attachment theory (Emotional regulation) into a relational model of the mind that allows teams to better plan and supervise ongoing psychosocial interventions. For more about Roxana, the host, please visit:

https://www.instagram.com/mind_your_mind_podcast/ www.roxanaparra.com